Squirrel removal is not just removing the squirrels from your garden after they settle in. It focuses mainly on the prevention of squirrels. Summer is the best time to prevent squirrels from gathering in your garden or home because they are mostly outdoors. If you need the service of squirrel removal in Ellicott City, MD, contact a pest control service in your locality. 

Why do you need a squirrel removal service?

You can spot squirrels early in the summer morning because they collect food like nuts and acorns. You will see them scurrying upland around a tree trunk, sometimes alone or in pairs. These animals will hide during the most burning part of the day, meaning they will go to their nests, which are nice and cool in the shade. Even though they spend most of their time outdoors, you may need a squirrel removal service. Also, during the summer, squirrels eat a lot of nuts to keep their energy while teaching their young. 

They nest in summer

Squirrels prepare their nests in tree holes during the summer season. They also build nests of leaves and branches. You will probably never find a squirrel’s nest because they are small, reclusive, and fast. When they spot a potential situation or a predator, like a human or canine, they quickly move to get away. A squirrel service cna help you when they enter your attic in search of warmth during the winter season. But during summer, squirrels stay outside. 

They gather more nuts.

Squirrels gather a lot of nuts during late summer to prepare for winter. They manage nuts carefully and set them for sustainability as the weather turns cold. When autumn hits, and more nuts are available on the ground, squirrels will scamper on them to gather the best possible nuts.

Exclusion in the summer

You might require a squirrel removal service to remove squirrels from your home during the fall and winter. The bright summer sun makes it easier to spot the holes in your attic or roof inside your house. Squirrels can even make their way into your attic if they find holes in wood or siding. 

Squirrel removal service will inspect your home and perform the exclusion process. They will go through your home’s exterior and spot the weak points where there can be chances of squirrel entry. Most squirrel removal service provides a warranty of at least two years, depending on the type of repair they do.